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MySpace IM download

Having trouble downloading or installing MySpace IM?

MySpace IM uses a web installer to download the client, and during peak traffic hours, users may experience trouble downloading the IM client. We offer some download mirrors of a full and offline version of the MySpace IM installer if you are not able to download through the official download link. Download it below.

Download Latest Version
v1.0.716.0 - 15 Aug. 2007 - Full installer

Previous versions of MySpaceIM

If (for some reason), you wish to download an older version of MySpace IM, we've archived the old installers and you can use the following links to get them. These versions of MySpaceIM are outdated and may contains bugs and other errors, use them at your own risk!

Still having trouble downloading? send us an email and let us know.

Free Emoticons
MySpace Emoticons and Smileys!