MSN Custom Emoticon and Display Picture Stealer V3.5
Steal your friends MSN Emoticons and Display Pictures and more!

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CE/DP Stealer is a utility to view and save your buddies MSN Emoticons and Display Pictures. With it you can save MSN Emoticons and Display Pictures that any of your MSN contacts may have used in conversations with you! It has a simple to use GUI (interface) and is packed with loads of features to make your MSN Messenger experience more entertaining and fun filled! CE/DP Stealer was the first application to steal custom content in MSN Messenger; Version 3.x adds support for stealing animated images, full support for MSN Messenger 7, complete image preview support and many feature upgrades.
Key Features
- Scan your computer for MSN Emoticons and Display Pictures and other custom content
- Full MSN Messenger 7 support
- Sort found files by date
- Sort the Emoticons and Display Picture separately
- Preview all files from within the application - Including animations
- Automatically add found Display Pictures to MSN Messenger
- Easily add all found files to a Zip archive (.zip file)
- Easily save the found files
- Rename files when saving
- Randomly add stolen Display Pictures into MSN Messenger
Specific updates in version 3.5
- You can now change the background color of the preview pane
- Right Clicking on an image in preview now allows you to quickly save it
- Issue with previews not displaying on some systems has been resolved
- Issue with no files being found has been resolved
- A New About dialog box
- Reduced file size
- Status includes amount of files found in MB
Download CE/DP Stealer for MSN Messenger 6 and 7 - 267 KB (Under a minute to download on a 56K Modem)

Download the CE/DP Stealer and start robbing your MSN Messenger contacts!
Older update details:
Updates in version 3.0
- Full Support for MSN Messenger 7
- Full support for previewing all image types (All previews now display correctly)
- Improved Folder/File selection
- Improved Zipping functionality
- Revamped User Interface
- File list context menus improved
- The Delete functions have been dropped