Source for free MSN Messenger emoticons, MSN display pictures, MSN names, MSN winks, animated emoticons & smileys, MSN Icons, Emotions & more!
MSN Winks: Free Kiwee Winks: Free Christmas MSN Winks, Muggins and more from Kiwee
MSN Winks

Remember when we told you about those Free Kiwee Winks? Well the free Kiwee promotion is still going on, and they've added lots of fresh new Christmas MSN Winks, all for free!

Read the full article to find out how you can download the free Christmas Winks and Muggins.

Posted on Wednesday, December 20 @ 05:31:28 UTC (24166 reads)
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MSN Winks: Kiwee: Free Winks, MSN Icons, Muggins, Dynamic Backgrounds and Emoticons!
MSN Winks
Kiwee Free Winks

Kiwee, the official Messenger content provider (formerly BlueMountain) is giving away all of their downloads for free as part of their latest promotion!

Thats right, they're giving away EVERYTHING for free! These free downloads include Muggins, Winks, Display Pics and all of their Emoticons and Smileys!

You can even download some cool Dynamic Backgrounds! Dynamic backgrounds are animated chat window backgrounds, which you can even personalize. Other goodies include free moods and dynamic display pictures such as Muggins.

All you need to download the Free Winks is your Windows Live Messenger email address. Open this link in Internet Explorer and be sure to have Messenger running and be signed in.

Posted on Saturday, October 07 @ 11:50:07 UTC (117306 reads)
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MSN Winks: MSN Messenger Winks Remover - Uninstall MSN Winks
MSN Winks

The MSN Winks Remover is a small tool (17kb download) that will allow you to delete all your MSN Winks without any hassles. This utility is useful as MSN Messenger does not provide any way of deleting all your MSN Winks at once, and deleting Winks one at a time is a tedious process.

Users who add too many Winks may also experience sluggishness when using the Winks and MSN Messenger can freeze for some seconds while working with large amounts of Winks. Here is a screenshot of the MSN Winks Remover:

Free MSN Winks Remover

Click here to download the MSN Winks Remover

If you need to re-install the default MSN Winks or new MSN Winks, You need to visit the Free MSN Messenger Winks section.

Posted on Tuesday, July 05 @ 03:30:02 UTC (27836 reads)
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MSN Winks: Install Free MSN Winks - Download MSN Winks Pack
MSN Winks

We've just updated the website with a completely new MSN Winks category where you can download and install free MSN Messenger Winks! You can get Free Messenger Winks such as these ones:

Free MSN Winks - Download MSN Messenger Winks!

The MSN Winks section also has some general information about winks and of course the Free Winks installers for use with MSN Messenger 7 and MSN 7.5.

Visit the brand new MSN Messenger Winks section here: MSN Winks!

Posted on Wednesday, June 29 @ 10:16:01 UTC (20411 reads)
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