With Christmas almost here, we've added a bonus batch of Christmas MSN Names, Enjoy!
Click here to view the MSN Names!

Christmas Screen Names and MSN Nicknames
Here are the Christmas names! Ad these quotes and screen names to MSN by copying them from here. If you need help changing your Nickname in Messenger, view the MSN Nicknames Guide for help.
- My picture is available for free if you want to show Santa what you want for Christmas.
- Next time you see Santa, pull his beard and see what happens!
- Can I have a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?
- I was tired of looking for Santa on Christmas and the tooth fairy at night, what I was looking for was true love and then I found you
- (6) How Does Santa Deleiver My Prezzies When Theres No Chimney? (6)
- Christmas: Forget all about Santa, think more about drinking wine and eating turkey!
- Mr Hankey the Christmas poo
- If Santa has to give presents once a year, what does he do in his spare time?
- ~Xx(*) Santa's Princess (*)xX~
- I wrote a list of everything I wanted for Christmas and Santa writes back: "Start saving"
- Santa knows when u r sleeping, he knows when ur awake... OMG! HE'S A STALKER!
- Is Christmas coming, or are you just FAT?
- X-mas: A time we become poor and Santa becomes fat!
- Whats your name? I need to know what to ask Santa for Chistmas! (l)
- Santas Little Helper
- If i had one xmas wish, it would be to have you under my Christmas tree
- (*) It's xmas (*) be walkin merrily (*) for tomorrow yoo will be too drunk to stand up
- All I want for Christmas is you, why dont you want me?
- (l) All I want for Christmas is you (l)... Love you forever!
View more Christmas Nicknames here and also take a quick look at the Christmas Winks news article to score some free MSN Winks!
Share your MSN Names this Christmas
If you've got some MSN Names and would like to share them with everyone this holiday season, just send 'em our way and we'll post them to the site. Just follow the link below to do so.
Click here to send your Nicknames!