Best Emoticons and Smileys
This page contains the top rated and most popular emoticons on our site. These smileys are considered to be the best ones, according to our visitors.
#1 French kiss Rated 3.96 |
#2 Michael Jackson dancing Rated 4.59 |
#3 Dancing Banana Rated 4.48 |
#4 Animated middle finger Rated 4.02 |
#5 Fuck you finger Rated 3.68 |
#6 Spinning middle finger Rated 3.57 |
#7 Weed Rated 4.10 |
#8 Rolling laughter Rated 4.22 |
#9 Flipping the bird Rated 3.68 |
#10 Big Dancing Banana Rated 4.17 |
#11 Sexy Blonde Kiss Rated 3.69 |
#12 LOL Panda Rated 4.37 |
#13 Dancing smiley Rated 4.05 |
#14 Cute smileys hug Rated 4.24 |
#15 Middle finger dancing banana Rated 3.93 |
#16 Blowing a kiss Rated 4.08 |
#17 Shit Rated 4.10 |
#18 Animated dancing banana Rated 4.50 |
#19 Flipping off Rated 4.12 |
#20 Trippy dancing banana Rated 4.44 |
The great things about our Best Emoticons and Smileys section is that it provides you with a quick and easy way to find the most popular emoticons of all time.
The smileys on this page come from all of our different emoticon categories and collections. They include static and animated emoticons that are deemed to be the best ones, based on their popularity and ratings as voted for by the website users. By offering this Best Emoticons and Smilies collection, we have put our faith in our users' opinion, by trusting their votes for their favorite smileys or emoticons.
You can also participate in this process by casting your vote or even writing a comment for each emoticon or smiley face which you view on our site. We would like to know your opinion on the content of the site; your vote is valuable to us because it helps us to improve the quality of the service we provide and the types of emoticons we create.
If you have a new emoticon and would like to know what others think of it, simply submit it to the site and we'll upload it for public viewing. You will then be able to see users' votes and ratings for that particular emoticon or smiley.
So go ahead and share the fun; it's worth every bit. Enjoy and don't forget to cast your own vote too. Your opinion is always welcome around here!