Create your own Emoticons and Smileys
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Emoticon Maker

Version 1.0

The Emoticon Maker is a free program that you can use to make your own emoticons. This program can:

  • Make emoticons from photos and other images.
  • Create animated emoticons from GIF animations
  • Makes big and large emoticons for MSN and Live Messenger

Program details:

  • Version 1.0, 168 KB
  • Works with Windows 2000, XP, Vista
  • Emoticon maker screenshot
  • Make emoticons for MSN and Windows Live Messenger

How to make Emoticons

Using the Emoticon Maker software is very easy and you can create your emoticon in a few easy steps. After you download and install the Emoticon Maker, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Emoticon Maker program
  2. Click the Open and find the photo you want to make into an Emoticon
  3. Your will open in the program, now use the selection in the middle to choose the area
  4. Click on Save to make your emoticon and you're done!

As you can see, creating your own emoticons is extremely easy with the Emoticon Maker. Once you have saved the emoticon, you can add your new creation into MSN/Live Messenger or use it anywhere else.

Using the Emoticons

To use the big or animated emoticons in Messenger, you need to have MSN Messenger 7.0 or newer. For the latest version of Messenger, go to our Messenger News page, we recommend you the newest Windows Live Messenger version.

You can also use the Emoticon Maker software to make animated emoticons from larger animations. You can choose which area of the animation to include in your created emoticon and then save it for use.

Although this software is designed for Windows, the produced emoticons and smileys can be used on other systems such as Mac (Messenger for Mac) or Linux, etc. Just copy the converted files and they should be usable.

You can use our online Icon Maker to make your own icons. The free icon maker can also be used to create your own unique and original icons for AIM, MySpace and so on. Inventing your own personal icon or emoticon has never been easier.

More Free Emoticons and Software

If you need to get yourself some Smileys and Emoticons, then go over to our free Animated Emoticons section. We've got just about any type of emoticon you're looking for, so browse around and download the emoticons that you like. If you spend time making emoticons with this program, be sure to send us the emoticons and we'll add them to the site!

We've also got many different tools and programs that you can download. Popular emoticon related programs include the beloved CE/DP Stealer that is used to steal emoticons in Messenger, as well as our Messenger Backup Wizard; a quick and easy tool to backup your emoticons in case you lose them.

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The "Emoticon Maker" software is free for private use.