Baffled emoticon
These are the baffled emoticons we have. We found 3 results. All of our baffled smileys are free to download.

Gaping, stretched mouth, eyes wandering in bewilderment, oh boy!
- Added on 02 February, 2014
- Filename: puzzled-smiley-emoticon.png
- File size: 6958 bytes
- 1 frames measuring 121 x 107 pixels
Blank Expression

The image is of a blank expression.
- Added on 02 February, 2014
- Filename: blank-expression-smiley-emoticon.png
- File size: 13335 bytes
- 1 frames measuring 95 x 103 pixels
Blank Look

The image is of a baffled individual.
- Added on 02 February, 2014
- Filename: blank-look-smiley-emoticon.png
- File size: 12644 bytes
- 1 frames measuring 128 x 98 pixels