Free geek emoticon
These are the geek emoticons we have. We found 6 results. All of our geek smileys are free to download.

You Dork Smiley!
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: dork.gif
- File size: 3669 bytes
- Rated 3.86 from 7 votes
- 7 frames measuring 41 x 68 pixels

A geek smiley is someone with high IQ same as a nerd, who is not interested in what the mainstream society is.
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: geek.gif
- File size: 3614 bytes
- Rated 4.36 from 7 votes
- 7 frames measuring 49 x 63 pixels

You've been called a nerd smiley!
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: nerd.gif
- File size: 4192 bytes
- Rated 4.60 from 5 votes
- 9 frames measuring 49 x 63 pixels
Dead computer geek

A computer nerd decomposing in front of his computer.
- Added on 10 February, 2014
- Filename: dead-computer-geek-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 37692 bytes
- Rated 3.67 from 6 votes
- 162 frames measuring 50 x 50 pixels
Cute Mole Computer Geek

In this smiley the cute mole is acting all geeky, programming and stuff.
- Added on 10 February, 2014
- Filename: cute-mole-computer-geek-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 498048 bytes
- Rated 3.00 from 5 votes
- 50 frames measuring 150 x 150 pixels
Computer work

We know all about smiley faces and this one is one of our favorites!
- Added on 10 February, 2014
- Filename: computer-work-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 20357 bytes
- Rated 4.36 from 7 votes
- 12 frames measuring 61 x 42 pixels