Lightning animated emoticon
These are the lightning emoticons we have. We found 3 results. All of our lightning smileys are free to download.

Don't you JUST love this storm smiley?
- Added on 04 October, 2012
- Filename: depressed-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 2133 bytes
- 3 frames measuring 54 x 100 pixels
Just Don't

Image of a stone tablet being raised into the air and struck by lightening.
- Added on 18 January, 2014
- Filename: just-dont-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 53059 bytes
- 24 frames measuring 108 x 70 pixels

The image is of rainy weather.
- Added on 11 February, 2014
- Filename: raining-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 28216 bytes
- Rated 3.67 from 27 votes
- 9 frames measuring 128 x 109 pixels