Mean faced emoticons and smileys
Here are your search results for mean faced emoticons. We found 30 results. All of our mean faced smileys are free, so go check them out!
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Sailor Moon emoji is better. I hate Naruto emojis.

The code for this slap emoji is incorrect and goes to a different emoji. Could you give me the correct code please?

Hi, would I be able to use this msn icon slap emoji in facebook chat? I am not sure how to install it. It just says code and I copied the whole thing and it just pasted your website. I have looked for this msn slap for a long time as msn messenger is no longer used.
Thank you!
On our website you can get the best MEAN FACED emoticons for Facebook, MSN, Skype and Yahoo! We have one of the biggest selections of animated emoticons on the internet and are always adding new mean faced smileys to the website. Check them out, share them on Myspace and facebook or tell your friends about our mean faced icons!