Moron smilies and emoticons
These are the moron emoticons we have. We found 3 results. All of our moron smileys are free to download.

An idiot smiley does things that makes you wonder if he is ok in the head.
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: idiot.gif
- File size: 3935 bytes
- Rated 4.63 from 23 votes
- 9 frames measuring 54 x 62 pixels

A moron smiley does very stupid things.
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: moron.gif
- File size: 5591 bytes
- 10 frames measuring 49 x 62 pixels
Pin Head

A Pin head smiley usually has a very small brain size which cause them to come across as dumbest of all people!
- Added on 21 October, 2011
- Filename: pin-head.gif
- File size: 3433 bytes
- 9 frames measuring 61 x 62 pixels