Recreation animated emoticon
These are the recreation emoticons we have. We found 7 results. All of our recreation smileys are free to download.

The image is of an individual riding a skateboard while performing a trick.
- Added on 05 February, 2014
- Filename: skateboarding-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 54996 bytes
- 18 frames measuring 94 x 89 pixels

The image is of an individual swimming.
- Added on 05 February, 2014
- Filename: swimming-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 66913 bytes
- Rated 3.40 from 5 votes
- 24 frames measuring 90 x 79 pixels
Chill Out

This is an image of a smiley face laying back in a comfortable reclining chair.
- Added on 06 February, 2014
- Filename: chill-out-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 20673 bytes
- 3 frames measuring 136 x 132 pixels
Video Game

This is a funny aniamtion of a smiley face sitting on a chair holding a video game controller.
- Added on 06 February, 2014
- Filename: video-game-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 5385 bytes
- Rated 4.90 from 5 votes
- 10 frames measuring 100 x 82 pixels
Trampoline Fun

The image is of an individual bouncing on a trampoline.
- Added on 07 February, 2014
- Filename: trampoline-fun-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 71571 bytes
- Rated 3.70 from 15 votes
- 43 frames measuring 110 x 129 pixels
Musical Notes

This image is a smiley face surrounded by musical notes.
- Added on 11 February, 2014
- Filename: musical-notes-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 20682 bytes
- 12 frames measuring 48 x 50 pixels
Music with earphones

This image is a smiley face wearing headphones and listening to a music player.
- Added on 11 February, 2014
- Filename: music-with-earphones-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 34614 bytes
- Rated 4.00 from 8 votes
- 12 frames measuring 75 x 76 pixels