Training emoticon
These are the training emoticons we have. We found 10 results. All of our training smileys are free to download.
Boxing practice

How cool is it to look at this training smiley?
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: boxing-practice-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 118183 bytes
- 52 frames measuring 135 x 35 pixels
Boxing speed bag

We conclude that every training smiley is truly a hard worker in the gym.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: boxing-speed-bag-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 56136 bytes
- Rated 4.26 from 17 votes
- 14 frames measuring 89 x 90 pixels
Boxing With Punching Bag

This Fight training graphic is a piece of art.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: boxing-with-punching-bag-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 109827 bytes
- Rated 3.87 from 15 votes
- 33 frames measuring 90 x 87 pixels
Jumpy Boxer

We're proud to introduce this jumpy boxer icon to all of you.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: jumpy-boxer-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 27026 bytes
- Rated 4.56 from 8 votes
- 10 frames measuring 50 x 122 pixels
Woman Jabbing

A lot of those training smileys turned out too realistic and hot.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: woman-jabbing-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 14745 bytes
- Rated 3.90 from 5 votes
- 4 frames measuring 67 x 144 pixels
Tennis Practice

Just look at this tennis court graphic.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: tennis-practice-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 7119 bytes
- 12 frames measuring 105 x 43 pixels
Baseball practice

We do lots of work to give our visitors these training and practicing smiley faces!
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: baseball-practice-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 9514 bytes
- 15 frames measuring 110 x 85 pixels
Heading a Football

The image is of an individual repeatedly heading a football.
- Added on 05 February, 2014
- Filename: heading-a-football-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 18714 bytes
- 7 frames measuring 45 x 118 pixels
Modern train

We have a special affection for modern smileys resembling this one.
- Added on 10 February, 2014
- Filename: modern-train-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 26984 bytes
- Rated 4.17 from 6 votes
- 6 frames measuring 103 x 68 pixels
Train goodbye

Use this goodbye smiley to type your replies!
- Added on 13 February, 2014
- Filename: train-goodbye-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 41749 bytes
- Rated 4.32 from 20 votes
- 5 frames measuring 160 x 113 pixels