Winner emoticon
These are the winner emoticons we have. We found 17 results. All of our winner smileys are free to download.
Winning boxer

This Fight icon is a real piece of art.
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: winning-boxer-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 9032 bytes
- 10 frames measuring 76 x 40 pixels

Don't you think some of those injured smiley faces look seriously hurt?
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: winner-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 20839 bytes
- 10 frames measuring 80 x 46 pixels
Game Set Match

How fancy is this smiley face tennis match?
- Added on 24 July, 2012
- Filename: game-set-match-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 21485 bytes
- 48 frames measuring 105 x 44 pixels
Medal podium

This promising medal graphic is above all others in the Olympiad set.
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: medal-podium-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 30334 bytes
- Rated 4.43 from 7 votes
- 16 frames measuring 101 x 60 pixels

Seeing this Olympiad podium smiley face makes my day!
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: medals-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 30568 bytes
- 16 frames measuring 87 x 61 pixels
The Winner

The image is of an individual who has just won a race.
- Added on 05 February, 2014
- Filename: the-winner-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 24534 bytes
- 3 frames measuring 128 x 108 pixels
Won the Trophy

The image is of an individual who has won a contest and beaten his competitors.
- Added on 06 February, 2014
- Filename: won-the-trophy-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 63788 bytes
- Rated 4.60 from 5 votes
- 20 frames measuring 90 x 90 pixels
Smiley with Gold Medal

Here we've got a smiley with gold medal around his neck.
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: smiley-with-gold-medal-emoticon.gif
- File size: 21368 bytes
- Rated 4.54 from 14 votes
- 19 frames measuring 89 x 81 pixels
Smiley with Silver Medal

Today, we'd like to introduce this superbly sweet smiley with silver medal icon to you guys.
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: smiley-with-silver-medal-emoticon.gif
- File size: 21368 bytes
- 19 frames measuring 90 x 78 pixels
Smiley with Bronze Medal

Every medal smiley which can be viewed here turned out to be humorously mad and magnificent as well.
- Added on 26 July, 2012
- Filename: smiley-with-bronze-medal-emoticon.gif
- File size: 21364 bytes
- 19 frames measuring 90 x 81 pixels
Olympic runner

All of our running smiley faces rule!
- Added on 01 August, 2012
- Filename: olympic-runner-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 5834 bytes
- 1 frames measuring 107 x 70 pixels
Olympic Gold Medal

Was this gold medal winner icon what you wanted?
- Added on 01 August, 2012
- Filename: olympic-gold-medal-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 7269 bytes
- Rated 5.00 from 5 votes
- 1 frames measuring 108 x 100 pixels
Hockey Cup Winner

Just about all hockey winner graphics from this section are fun to see, and we would say that this hockey cup smiley face is no different.
- Added on 04 December, 2012
- Filename: hockey-cup-winner-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 10761 bytes
- Rated 4.19 from 8 votes
- 8 frames measuring 45 x 76 pixels
Football Trophy

This is an image of a smiley face football player whose team has just won a game.
- Added on 05 February, 2014
- Filename: football-trophy-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 51462 bytes
- 35 frames measuring 66 x 64 pixels
Winning Football Team

Bringing the bacon home is not as easy as it looks.
- Added on 06 February, 2014
- Filename: winning-football-team-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 15499 bytes
- 22 frames measuring 49 x 65 pixels
Number One Mom

This image is of a female smiley face wearing a sash or ribbon that says "Mom #1.
- Added on 06 February, 2014
- Filename: number-one-mom-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 13739 bytes
- Rated 4.06 from 9 votes
- 12 frames measuring 76 x 77 pixels

This image is a smiley face that appears to be female.
- Added on 10 February, 2014
- Filename: champion-smiley-emoticon.gif
- File size: 26082 bytes
- 50 frames measuring 103 x 85 pixels