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Funny MSN Nicks

Funny MSN Nicks

Funny MSN Names are great for having a laugh with all your friends and keeping things fun. Enjoy the world's largest selection of funny names and Funny MSN Nicks!

Free Glitter!

Funny Nicks for MSN

Check out this new funny nick selection! Show everyone that you like the fun side of things with these funny nicks.

  • Lifes a waste of time, times a waste of life, so get wasted all the time and have the time of your life.
  • Tip: Never, EVER Eat Yellow Snow.
  • I once saw a vegetarian wearing a fur coat... It was made of grass!
  • Don't you think reading peoples nicknames is a waste of time?
  • If you want breakfast in bed, Then sleep in the kitchen!
  • Freaky people freak me out, tired people tire me out, funny people just make ma laugh, I wasn't talking about you so don't be daft!
  • A man once said to me, what kind of beans do you like to eat? I replied, human ones! 8o| then he ran off screaming!
  • Birdy, birdy in da sky, y u do that in my eye? It looks so white and tastes like sap golly gosh its birdy crap!
  • Why did the turtle cross the road? cause he was handcuffed to the chicken
  • Roses are red and sometimes pink, I'll buy u some deodorant cause u stink

Funnier MSN Nicks

Want more funny MSN Nicks? Just check the next page of funny nick names! Lots more to come.

Page Four of Funny MSN Names  Page Six of Funny MSN Names

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Page Five of 14 Funny MSN Names pages (funny msn nicks).
Updated Thursday the 15th of February, 2024 at 3:11:37 AM UTC

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