Heartbreak Names
The names in the heartbroken section are all about heartbreak. Find names, nicknames, quotes and sayings to express your pain, heartbreak and sorrow for when you're heartbroken. Have fun with the Heartbreak Names and heartbreaking quotes for MSN & Live Messenger.

Heartbreak Names for MSN
Even MORE heartbreak names! These names seems to be very popular among our users. Heartbreak is an emotional state with no real cure, and it is often said that the only treatment for a broken heart is acceptance and time. You guys are free to add your own heartbreak MSN Names here as well.
- Its a lot easier to say I dont like him anymore than to explain all the reasons why I still do
- Never make someone your everything because when they've gone you've got... nothing...
- Love is in the air... and my broken heart is right behind it.
- Look into my eyes look into my heart you're the one who tore it all apart
- (L)<--- here I dont want it any more... I said take it (L)
- The worst part about loving someone else, is when they are right beside you and you know you can't have them
- She looks in the mirror with tears running down her face, Knowing that in his heart she will never have that "Special Place"
- Scared that you'd hate me, Scared that you'd leave, Now that you've gone, I feel weak in the knees
- U Loved me, I didn't know :S... what a jerk ... sorry -> I failed
- You said you would love me till the end of time, that's an awfully long time to be wrong.
- Tears are just unspoken words a broken heart can't bare to speak
- He wrecked me from the inside out, He broke my heart, I want to know what I did wrong, I think about it but can't see what I did
Heartbreak Nicknames and Sayings
We hope you enjoyed these short heartbroken sayings, more heartbreak quotes are on the next page. Heartbreak is a learning experience, it will make you stronger. So learn from your heartbreak and move on with your life, it's too short to spend your days sad and depressed.
Got some heartbreakingly poetic quotes, names and sayings? Be sure to send them to us!
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