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MSN Names Toolkit

MSN Names Toolkit

Love your MSN Names? the MSN Messenger Names Toolkit is the only download you need for your nickname needs!

The MSN Names Toolkit provides you with cool MSN nicknames, tools and nickname tricks for MSN Messenger.

  • Huge database of MSN Names, sorted by category (such as funny and cool nicknames)
  • Cool MSN Nickname Tricks
  • Random Nick Generator
  • Nickname Maker to make your MSN Names look good
  • All easily accessible from one program
  • Quick and easy download and install


Download the MSN Names Toolkit now, 215 kb (1 Minute to download on a 56k connection).

Download MSN Names Toolkit


Here are some sample screenshots of things you can do with the MSN Names ToolKit!

Huge MSN Names

Cool MSN Nickname Styles

The MSN Names database includes funny, cute, love and cool nicknames for MSN Messenger! These nicknames have been sorted by category and can be easily used in MSN Messenger. Furthermore, you can apply cool nickname styles using the nickname builder or generate a unique new nickname for yourself!.

Some tricks include increasing your nickname font (as demonstrated in the image above) and reversing your nickname.

Cool MSN Names, messenger display names and cool msn nicknames!
MSN Nick Name tricks!
Funny MSN Names, funny nicknames for msn messenger
submit msn names
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© 2003-2007 Sherv.NET MSN Names
You may not reuse, reproduce or redistribute this content in any shape, way or form without obtaining our prior written consent.

© 2003-2007 Sherv.NET - Windows Live Messenger and MSN Messenger ® Microsoft