Japanese Emoticons

Japanese text smileys and emoticons have been more popular with users than the Western Style Emoticons. This could be due to its easier viewing style which does not require you to tilt your head sideways and also because of use of a wider range of Unicode Characters in construction of these Eastern smileys, which make them more easily understandable. In this section you can browse ALL of our Japanese emoticons, have fun!

Punching the Air
Punching the Air text emoticon
Agitated text emoticon
Dislike text emoticon
Disappointed text emoticon
Unsatisfied text emoticon
Disapproval text emoticon
Insane text emoticon
Unhappy text emoticon
Complaining text emoticon
Outraged text emoticon
Really Mad
Really Mad text emoticon
Middle Finger
Middle Finger text emoticon
Double Middle Finger
Double Middle Finger text emoticon
Flipping the Bird
Flipping the Bird text emoticon
Flipping off
Flipping off text emoticon
Get Outta Here
Get Outta Here text emoticon
Being Surprised
Being Surprised text emoticon
Are you Kidding me
Are you Kidding me text emoticon
OMG text emoticon
Great Surprise
Great Surprise text emoticon
Surprise text emoticon
Shocked text emoticon
Oh My God
Oh My God text emoticon
Puzzled text emoticon
Viewing 1—24 of 1058 smileys.
Recent Comments:

One should be embarrassed for writing nonsense comments here for embarrassed...

in embarrassed... on 01 Feb, 2025

nahhhh for what he really said "(*´∀`*)"

in embarrassed... on 15 Dec, 2024


in unhappy on 02 Nov, 2024

Imran khan and kamran khan

in evil stare... on 07 Sep, 2024

Good to show my friends

in angry eye... on 04 Aug, 2024

Japanese text emoticons

Japanese text smileys and emoticons have been more popular with users than the Western Style Emoticons. This could be due to its easier viewing style which does not require you to tilt your head sideways and also because of use of a wider range of Unicode Characters in construction of these Eastern smileys, which make them more easily understandable. In this section you can browse ALL of our Japanese emoticons, have fun!

In Japanese emoticons, parentheses are used to outline the face (sometimes braces are used as well for this purpose), an underscore to represent the mouth, and asterisks or hyphens for representing the eyes. Here are some simple and basic examples of Japanese text smiley faces:

  • (*_*) use of asterisks for the eyes represents a happy face
  • (-_-) use of hyphens for the eyes represents indifference
  • (^.^) use of ^^ for the eyes represents stress
  • (-_-;) Use of a semi-colon or a quotation mark represents a Sweat Drop which can be interpreted as nervousness and anxiety
  • ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ use of Combining Characters makes it possible to create more sophisticated and complex emoticons