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Funny Emoticons set

Show your funny side with these funny emoticons! All of the emoticons are free to download, and each funny emoticon is animated and compatible with MSN.

shit emoticon
vomit emoticon
kiss my ass emoticon
Kiss My Ass
smiley throwing up emoticon
Smiley throwing up
mooning emoticon
fart emoticon
scary clowns emoticon
Scary Clowns
woman belly dancing emoticon
Woman belly dancing
smiley kissing ass emoticon
Smiley kissing ass
slapping emoticon
perverted smiley face emoticon
Perverted smiley face
vomiting emoticon
i hate flies emoticon
I Hate Flies
dancing cat emoticon
Dancing Cat
scared smiley face emoticon
Scared smiley face
pikachu emoticon
frustrated user emoticon
Frustrated user
butt kisser emoticon
Butt kisser
santa mooning emoticon
Santa Mooning
puking emoticon
rude santa claus emoticon
Rude Santa Claus
farting smiley emoticon
Farting smiley
laughing man emoticon
Laughing man
blowing raspberry emoticon
Blowing Raspberry
crazy emoticon
mooning smiley face emoticon
Mooning smiley face
msn buddy slapping emoticon
MSN buddy slapping
spongebob squarepants emoticon
Spongebob SquarePants
laurel and hardy dancing emoticon
Laurel And Hardy Dancing
smiley face yawning emoticon
Smiley face yawning
reading on toilet emoticon
Reading on toilet
booger eating nose picker emoticon
Booger eating nose picker
funny dancing stickman emoticon
Funny Dancing Stickman
shit hits the fan emoticon
Shit hits the fan
troll dad dancing emoticon
Troll Dad Dancing
pooping gymnastics emoticon
Pooping Gymnastics
smiley face farting emoticon
smiley face farting
santa flipping off emoticon
Santa flipping off
cookie monster emoticon
Cookie Monster
blowing a raspberry emoticon
Blowing a Raspberry
smiley nose pick emoticon
Smiley nose pick
devil emoticon
exploding hug emoticon
Exploding hug
middle finger baby emoticon
Middle Finger Baby
bush shoe throw emoticon
Bush shoe throw
funny good morning emoticon
Funny Good Morning
queen giving the finger emoticon
Queen Giving The Finger
smiley drinking beer emoticon
Smiley drinking beer
dancing kitten emoticon
Dancing Kitten
smiley face pooping emoticon
Smiley Face Pooping
banana riding llama emoticon
Banana riding llama
crazy clown emoticon
Crazy Clown
cheerful dancing baby emoticon
Cheerful Dancing Baby
audience clapping emoticon
Audience Clapping
smiley with black eye emoticon
Smiley with black eye
cat headphones emoticon
Cat Headphones
homer popping up emoticon
Homer popping up
nose picking emoticon
Nose Picking
weight lifting emoticon
Weight lifting
girl poking out tongue emoticon
Girl Poking Out Tongue
Viewing 1—60 of 283 smileys.
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Recent Comments:

Certified banger, would recommend.

in dancing cat on 15 Oct, 2024

Love it, almost a decade later, the whole world is giving this to Trump...

in blowing a... on 08 Sep, 2024

is this everybody hates chris???

in funny kid... on 19 Aug, 2024

I added to my msn lol

in dancing cat on 13 Aug, 2024

What a joyous gaggle :) to Cackle is to be happy! Cackle and Gaggle guys!!

in big teeth on 11 Jun, 2024

Funny Emoticon collection

You can enjoy the magical effect of these funny little animations and have a hearty laugh with them. Download these animated funny emoticons for free and add them into MSN and Live Messenger. Share them and make your online friends and messenger buddies have a laugh, they'll certainly enjoy their conversations with you even more. These Emoticons are funny enough to cheer up your buddies, and there is plenty of them in our emoticon collections.

Let's face it, the default Messenger emoticons are old and boring - everyone has seen them. There are some Funny emoticons MSN provides as their default MSN emoticons, but people usually get bored with them because they are limited in number and very small. Custom emoticons are the way to go, it makes sense to collect additional funny smileys and expand your emoticon collection. The more animated emoticons you have, the better your ability to express yourself in various occasions and circumstances.

Almost every day we receive requests for brand new funny emoticons that are compatible with MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. Now you can browse through all of our funny emoticons with ease, we hope that you'll find what you're looking for. Don't forget to come back and check the very latest additions, funny animated emoticons are added all the time.

Have you got some funny pictures of your own that you would like to make into Emoticons and Icons? You can easily convert them into MSN Emoticons with our free Icon Maker. Try the icon maker and make your own emoticons and add them to Messenger! If you end up creating a really funny emoticon, be sure to send it to us. We're always looking to add more icons, to create the ultimate collection of the funniest emoticons on the planet!

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