Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Express yourself emoticons > Sorry emoticons

Sorry emoticons

No one is perfect. As humans we make lots of mistakes which we regret later and have to apologize for our errors and wrong judgment calls. We all are experiential beings; we live and we learn by our experiences and our mistakes. When the things go wrong we have to say sorry to those who become affected by our wrong-doings. So do not hold back and use this magic word genuinely and graciously and it will have huge impact on the quality of your relationship with others. That's absolutely guaranteed. You can use our free smileys and emoticons to do the job for you as well. Send these guys to ask for forgiveness and express your regret. Send them on Facebook, MSN, Skype, emails, blogs or even emails. We hope you like them!

cute kitten sorry smiley
Cute Kitten Sorry
forgive me smiley
Forgive me
sad puppy smiley
Sad Puppy
sad and sorry smiley
Sad and Sorry
i'm very sorry smiley
I'm Very Sorry
i'm sorry smiley
I'm Sorry
sorry apology smiley
Sorry Apology
curly lips sorry smiley smiley
Curly Lips Sorry Smiley
regret smiley
really sorry smiley
Really Sorry
crying and sorry little monkey smiley
Crying and Sorry Little Monkey
apology smiley
very sorry smiley
Very Sorry
terribly sorry smiley
Terribly Sorry
cute sorry smiley
Cute Sorry
apology smiley
kitten sorry smiley
Kitten Sorry
sorry and curly lips smiley
Sorry and Curly Lips
sorry face smiley
Sorry Face
tearful apology smiley
Tearful Apology
sorry look smiley
Sorry Look
sorry blue smiley
Sorry Blue
crying sorry smiley
Crying Sorry
sorry smiley
scnr: sorry could not resist smiley
SCNR: Sorry Could Not Resist

There are 25 emoticons in the Sorry emoticons pack.

Recent Comments:

Soz emoji is great!

in cute kitten... on 24 Sep, 2019

That smiley was an icon in errors. The error message says, previewing this...

in regret on 21 Aug, 2019

I LOVE your site. So great to be able to use über-creative funny ANIMATED...

in apology on 23 Mar, 2018

I made fun of a higher-up and needed a sorry emoji emoticon. AHA! Sorry is...

in sorry apology on 27 Aug, 2017

Sorry if I failed you...

in cute kitten... on 11 Aug, 2017

Sorry smileys

Get these free animated sorry smileys and emoticons for your everyday usage and keep them handy and readily accessible. If you find them interesting, then like them on Facebook and your friends and buddies would see them too.

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