Australian Flag Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Australian Flag Emoticon

Australian Flag animated emoticon

An Australian Smiley is holding and waving his national flag and judging by his facial expressions, he must be a patriot. We all know that our love for our country should not be limited to instances of short-lived outburst of extreme emotions, but a constant and ever-present respect for its principal.

Emoticons like Australian Flag:

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User comments (5)

Anonymous said:11 Aug '14

How do you get those emojis?

Anonymous said:12 Mar '14

Do you have any Tonga flag or like Samoan flag of the emoji??

Aussie for life said:26 Jan '13

Great smiley for celebrating Australia Day!!!!

Anonymous said:25 Jan '13

Happy Australia Day

Anonymous said:05 Jul '12

where is the ukraine flag

Details for australian flag

Suggested shortcut: ;flag
Tags: flags, national flags, country flags, australia, patriotic, flag
Filename: australian-flag.gif

  • The Australian Flag emoticon is Animated
  • Australian Flag icon file size: 5.06 kB (5179)
  • Added on 30 August, 2011
  • Last commented on 11 August, 2014
  • Emoticon category: Country Emoticons

'Australian Flag' is animated in 4 frames, the animation is 0.8 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 72 by 51 pixels and has 191 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

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Codes for Australian Flag

To use the Australian Flag icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Country Flags emoticons like the australian flag icon, visit the Flag Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The australian flag icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.