Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Express yourself emoticons > Playful and cheeky emoticons

Playful and cheeky emoticons

Ever since animated smileys and emoticons came into use, it became possible to convey a vast variety of concepts without the use of words and text. It especially made it easy to deliver humor and fun along with our typed in text in our online chat conversations. Use these animated and free humor smileys and emoticons to entertain your friends and buddies. Use them when you want to change the tone of an otherwise seriously perceived sentence or statement, like a tongue in cheek smiley. Poke fun with rude emoticons but use them strictly for your mates and very close Facebook friends. Specially be careful when you're running multiple chat windows simultaneously. You don't want to send those rude smileys to your grandma! She won't find it funny for sure! Always use the rules of netiquette (Internet etiquette).

blowing raspberry smiley
Blowing Raspberry
blowing a raspberry smiley
Blowing a Raspberry
happy dance smiley
Happy Dance
girl poking out tongue smiley
Girl Poking Out Tongue
teasing smiley sticking tongue out smiley
Teasing Smiley Sticking Tongue Out
making bronx cheer smiley
Making Bronx Cheer
dancing cat smiley
Dancing Cat
raspberry smiley
funny tongue wag smiley
Funny Tongue Wag
cute smiley tongue in cheek smiley
Cute Smiley Tongue in Cheek
teasing with poking tongue out smiley
Teasing with Poking Tongue Out
funny burger wagging long tongue smiley
Funny Burger Wagging Long Tongue
winking sticking out tongue smiley
Winking Sticking Out Tongue
angry tongue sticking out smiley
Angry Tongue Sticking Out
tongue stuck out smiley
Tongue Stuck Out
dumb look smiley
Dumb Look
cute girl sticking out tongue smiley
Cute Girl Sticking Out Tongue
happy pillow fight games smiley
Happy pillow fight games
tongue out smiley
Tongue Out
tongue flap smiley
Tongue Flap
making funny face with poked out tongue smiley
Making funny face with Poked Out Tongue
cheeky smile smiley
Cheeky Smile
drunk woman showing tongue smiley
Drunk Woman Showing Tongue
tongue in cheek smiley
Tongue in Cheek
rebellious sticking out tongue smiley
Rebellious Sticking Out Tongue
silly face tongue hanging out smiley
Silly Face Tongue Hanging Out
crazy tongue hanging out smiley
Crazy Tongue Hanging Out
cheeky smiling smiley
Cheeky Smiling
cocking a snook at someone smiley
cocking a snook at someone
baby soldier sticky out tongue smiley
Baby Soldier Sticky Out Tongue
ecstatic cat jumping smiley
Ecstatic Cat Jumping
winking what's up smiley
Winking What's Up
longing to find love smiley
Longing to Find Love
cock a snoot smiley
Cock a Snoot
angry smiley sticks his tongue out smiley
Angry Smiley Sticks his Tongue out
cute rabbit showing tongue smiley
Cute Rabbit Showing Tongue
dancing penguin waving bye smiley
Dancing Penguin Waving Bye
snowball fight smiley
Snowball Fight
trampoline smiley
hi computer smiley
Hi Computer
mocking with tongue sticking out smiley
Mocking with Tongue Sticking Out
hit himself with a bat smiley
Hit Himself With a Bat
love sick smiley
Love Sick
laughing at someone smiley
Laughing at Someone
dripping saliva smiley
Dripping saliva
einstein sticking his tongue out smiley
Einstein Sticking his Tongue Out
msn cheeky smile smiley
MSN Cheeky Smile
sticking tongue out smiley
Sticking Tongue Out
spying smiley
pulling tongue out smiley
Pulling Tongue Out
baby pulling out long tongue flap smiley
Baby Pulling out Long Tongue Flap
happy tongue out smiley
Happy tongue out
winking and sticking tongue out smiley
Winking and Sticking Tongue Out
pointing smiley
long tongue out smiley
Long Tongue Out
mona lisa smiley
Mona Lisa
smiling tongue smiley
Smiling tongue
giving thumbs down smiley
Giving thumbs down
silly have a nice day smiley
Silly Have a Nice Day
in love smiley
In Love
Viewing 1—60 of 79 smileys.
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Recent Comments:

Certified banger, would recommend.

in dancing cat on 15 Oct, 2024

Love it, almost a decade later, the whole world is giving this to Trump...

in blowing a... on 08 Sep, 2024

You obviously do not know what the phrase means

in tongue in cheek on 11 Jun, 2022

sent my girl friend a love sick emoticon she loved it and i showed her this...

in love sick on 07 Feb, 2021

"Love it. I could use these emojis for ... everyday." Ha ha

in blowing a... on 01 Jan, 2021
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