Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Mood emoticons > Sleeping emoticons

Sleeping emoticons

If you need an animation for a tired or sleeping smiley, you've come to the right place! These guys are exhausted, yawning and very sleepy! Each and every animated emoticon here is free for you to use.

sleeping smiley face emoticon
Sleeping smiley face
yawn emoticon
funny good morning emoticon
Funny Good Morning
sleeping emoticon
exhausted emoticon
sleeping in hammock emoticon
Sleeping in hammock
sleeping on keyboard emoticon
Sleeping on keyboard
snoring emoticon
sleep in bed emoticon
Sleep in bed
sleepy smiley face emoticon
Sleepy smiley face
wake up emoticon
Wake up
yawning emoticon
sleeping and dreaming emoticon
Sleeping and dreaming
sleeping at work emoticon
Sleeping at work
dreaming emoticon
being tired emoticon
Being tired
very sleepy smiley emoticon
Very sleepy smiley
counting sheep emoticon
Counting Sheep
sweet dreams emoticon
Sweet dreams
staying awake emoticon
Staying awake
moon and star good night emoticon
Moon and Star Good Night
sleeping beauty emoticon
Sleeping Beauty
sleeping cap good night emoticon
Sleeping Cap Good Night
waking up emoticon
Waking up
good night candle emoticon
Good Night Candle
sleeping hello kitty emoticon
Sleeping Hello Kitty
smiley face yawn emoticon
Smiley face yawn
snore emoticon
pillow emoticon
sleeping kitten emoticon
Sleeping kitten
getting tired emoticon
Getting Tired
sleeping on a desk emoticon
Sleeping on a Desk
tired emoticon
sleep emoticon
alarm clock emoticon
Alarm Clock
cat nap emoticon
Cat Nap
sleeping on pillow emoticon
Sleeping on pillow
falling asleep emoticon
Falling Asleep
alarm clock smash emoticon
Alarm Clock Smash
sleeping in class emoticon
Sleeping In Class
dreaming penguin emoticon
Dreaming Penguin
kitty nap emoticon
Kitty Nap
sleeping puppy emoticon
Sleeping puppy
island emoticon
eggplant emoticon
sleepy emoticon
turkey snoring emoticon
Turkey Snoring
sleeping cats emoticon
Sleeping cats
sleeping japanese cat emoticon
Sleeping Japanese Cat
having a nightmare emoticon
Having a nightmare
must stay awake emoticon
Must Stay Awake
sleeping in school emoticon
Sleeping in school
boring lecture emoticon
Boring Lecture
drooling emoticon
sleeping banana emoticon
Sleeping banana
lethargic emoticon
sleeping moon emoticon
Sleeping Moon
dozing emoticon
sleeping guy emoticon
Sleeping guy
slumber emoticon

There are 60 emoticons in the Sleeping emoticons pack.

Recent Comments:

what is my sleep dream mean.

in sleeping in... on 19 Jun, 2021

You had a cute Smiley which I can't find on your site anymore... it was a...

in island on 13 Jan, 2020

I think you can. Why not try it? Please keep us posted.

in sleeping in... on 21 Jul, 2019

Can I copy and paste this sleeping in a hammock emoticon on my social media...

in sleeping in... on 13 Jul, 2019

The information contained in this sleeping moon emoji is don't stay awake in...

in sleeping moon on 15 Feb, 2018

Tired and Sleepy smileys

Just like us humans, even emoticons and smileys get tired. When this happens, they need to take some rest and get some good sleep. Even a smiley can only stay awake for so long!

You can take any emoticon from here and post it on your Facebook wall. You can also sent them in your chat conversations (like on MSN, Skype or Yahoo). We also provide you with HTML codes to post these smileys in forums, blogs and websites.

We hope you enjoy this collection of free graphics. Next time you're tired and going to bed, send your friends a droopy-eyed smiley and let them know it's time to get some sleep.

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