Big USA flag Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Big USA flag Emoticon

Big USA flag animated emoticon

May we present this America graphic to you guys????? Major colors present in the clipart are toffee, ice blue, cellar black, noir and fog. We would like to receive your thoughts on this icon. Go ahead and write your comment in the space below. One last thing, can you vote for this emoticon face and let others know if you liked it. We would really appreciate it.

Emoticons like Big USA flag:

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User comments (5)

Billie Linder said:15 Aug '15

Yes! Have been looking for exactly that USA Flag Emoji! Thank you SO much for getting it out there!

Anonymous said:12 Aug '15

Love it!! Thanks for making these emojis available.

cindy knight said:15 Sep '14

Love the flag!!! Ty very much!!

Anonymous said:11 Sep '14

Great job on the graphics. Kudos!

Anonymous said:04 Dec '13

I like to see a Sri Lankan flag as well.

Details for big usa flag

Suggested shortcut: ;usa
Tags: USA, Flag, America
Filename: big-usa-flag.gif

  • The Big USA flag emoticon is Animated
  • Big USA flag icon file size: 9.52 kB (9751)
  • Added on 25 November, 2011
  • Last commented on 15 August, 2015
  • Emoticon category: Country Emoticons

'Big USA flag' is animated in 10 frames, the animation is 1.2 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 58 by 62 pixels and has 44 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

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Showing all 10 frames.

Codes for Big USA flag

To use the Big USA flag icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Country Flags emoticons like the big usa flag icon, visit the Flag Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The big usa flag icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.