Do you know someone who talks too much? Then this is the perfect emoticon to send them! This animation shows the words "bla bla bla" and a green parrot talking. It can be used to tell someone that they are talking way too much. But be careful, many people will consider this to be an insult and may be offended. Then the opposite situation may happen: they won't speak to you again. With some people, this may actually be what you want.
'Blah Blah Blah Parrot' is animated in 39 frames, the animation is 3.9 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 60 by 60 pixels and has 256 colors, it also supports a transparent background.
To use the Blah Blah Blah Parrot icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:
For more free MSN Words emoticons like the blah blah blah parrot icon, visit the Word Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.
User comments (2)
hi everyone! this page is nice!
love it wow im the first commenter haha to every1 who want to be first but not in a mean way :P