Saying Bye Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Express yourself emoticons > Bye > Saying Bye

Saying Bye Emoticon

Saying Bye animated emoticon
3.87 (75 votes)

On this page, we'd like to introduce this saluting and saying bye smiley face to our fans. It is made using a short motion sequence. Major colors used in the waving goodbye animation are buff yellow, silver grey, sunshine yellow, mustard seed yellow and auburn.

Emoticons like Saying Bye:

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User comments (5)

Bye-bye said:23 May '14

Nice...but i want to download it.

Anonymous said:29 Apr '14

Me not can mw downloads this expressions? :-/

Anonymous said:28 Dec '13

Seeing Saying Bye emoji makes me emotional ...

Anonymous said:09 Oct '12

you mean like typing emoticons? keyboard smileys you mean? for facebook chat and so on.

Anonymous said:09 Oct '12

how do u write them ??????????????? i wanna know

Details for saying bye

Suggested shortcut: ;bye
Tags: bye, good bye, bye bye, waving goodbye, goodbye, hand gestures, saying bye, saying goodbye, farewell
Filename: saying-bye-smiley-emoticon.gif

  • The Saying Bye emoticon is Animated
  • Saying Bye icon file size: 4.05 kB (4148)
  • Added on 30 July, 2012
  • Last commented on 23 May, 2014
  • Emoticon category: Express yourself emoticons

'Saying Bye' is animated in 7 frames, the animation is 0.56 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 96 by 46 pixels and has 54 colors.

Related Pages:

Show frame details

Showing all 7 frames.

Codes for Saying Bye

To use the Saying Bye icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Bye emoticons like the saying bye icon, visit the Goodbye emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

© 2003-2007 Sherv.NET - Windows Live Messenger and MSN Messenger ® Microsoft
The saying bye icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.