Drunk Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Holiday Emoticons > new year > Drunk

Drunk Emoticon

This is a really funny smiley face which partied too hard and got very drunk. He hiccups and is almost passing out, but still doesn't let go of his bottle of wine! He is probably so drunk and tipsy that he won't even remember how he celebrated the new year or what year it is. But remember, you should be careful when drinking as excessive consumption of alcohol is not healthy. You can use this emoticon to remind your friends of how drunk they got or will get at the party! Send it on Facebook, MSN, Skype and Yahoo. You can even put it in an email and send it off. Enjoy.

Emoticons like Drunk:

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User comments (5)

Anonymous said:22 Jan '15

Hilarious. I love this.

Ahmed said:05 Apr '14


Ahmed said:04 Apr '14


Anonymous said:14 Apr '11

lol that smilely is drunck

DuffMan said:11 Feb '11

LOL, this dude is totally wasted! Oh yeah!

Details for drunk

Suggested shortcut: ;drunk
Tags: Drunk, Drink, Alcohol, New, Year, Party, Celebrate, Bottle
Filename: drunk.gif

  • The Drunk emoticon is Animated
  • Drunk icon file size: 6.07 kB (6212)
  • Added on 17 December, 2010
  • Last commented on 22 January, 2015
  • Emoticon category: Holiday Emoticons

'Drunk' is animated in 6 frames, the animation is 1.5 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 70 by 41 pixels and has 128 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

Show frame details

Showing all 6 frames.

Codes for Drunk

To use the Drunk icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free New Year Smileys emoticons like the drunk icon, visit the New Year Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The drunk icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.