Smileys faces for goodbye and farewell
Here are more wonderful and sweet smileys to use for when it's time to say goodbye...
Viewing 61—100 of 100 smileys. < Back to express yourself emoticons
Recent Comments:
Code no longer works when I paste it. Can't figure it out.
in panda wave on 06 Mar, 2022
As blue as it can get with saying goodbye...
in cute blue... on 15 Mar, 2021
Love them all!!! Will have chances to use them all I think.
in sleepy... on 20 Nov, 2019
These puppy emojis won't save to emoticon palette. Only the link.
in white puppy... on 22 Jul, 2019
It doesn't show up in my text box.
in sleepy... on 24 Nov, 2018