Smileys holding hands Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Love Emoticons and Smileys > Uncategorized > Smileys holding hands

Smileys holding hands Emoticon

Two yellow smiley faces are holding hands lovingly. At first, they seem to be a bit worried or uncertain, but eventually they feel very happy and comfortable. Obviously, they're new lovers! Holding each others hands is a popular way of expressing love and friendship. You can send this animated emoticon to your special someone to let them know you'd love to hold their hand, even though you may be far away from each other.

Emoticons like Smileys holding hands:

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User comments (14)

Anonymous said:10 Aug '15

Still love ya honey...

Sri WahyUni HidayAt said:04 Jun '12

do what you must do; follow your heart!

lakukan apa yang hares Kama Lanka, Kuwaiti Kata Hatti!

Anonymous said:07 May '12

i wish i had someone to love

Anonymous said:02 Aug '10

It's just perfect.

Anonymous said:10 May '10

I like the Naughty one. There is just one question. What are they doing under there exactly? haha I knwo what they are doing.

Kyaleighh x said:11 Dec '09

They're cute, lol ;D x

Anonymous said:05 Dec '09


ich wiils nöd sägg said:03 Nov '09

dii Smileys siind echt cool

Anonymous said:15 Oct '09

all of it are nice i like them allllll

YouSra said:23 Jul '09

it's cool... i think it's for lovers only :$ :P

GirL From Macedonia said:11 Jun '09

Hey This is one web very Beautiful hehehe goodbye

kataloni said:18 May '09

wooow! it's cool.. it's needed for lovers :P

The Bogga Girl said:19 Mar '09

they rock! i'm not aloud to donload though. :-( if you could make
them Free with out donloading or anything, i would be happy to aplly

Anonymous said:24 Feb '09

kool it works reali well u should try it bcoz its quite a gd website 2 say half of da stuf iz OK! :)

Details for smileys holding hands

Suggested shortcut: ;hands
Tags: Hands, Hold, Love, Couple
Filename: holding-hands.gif

  • The Smileys holding hands emoticon is Animated
  • Smileys holding hands icon file size: 5.70 kB (5841)
  • Added on 31 January, 2009
  • Emoticon category: Love Emoticons and Smileys

'Smileys holding hands' is animated in 10 frames, the animation is 4 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 57 by 29 pixels and has 256 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

Show frame details

Showing all 10 frames.

Codes for Smileys holding hands

To use the Smileys holding hands icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Animated love smileys emoticons like the smileys holding hands icon, visit the Love Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The smileys holding hands icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.