Smiley killing himself Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Violent Emoticons > guns > Smiley killing himself

Smiley killing himself Emoticon

Here is another smiley who wants to kill himself. He loads up his gun and puts it to his head, but he doesn't have any bullets left. He checks the gun by looking at the barrel with his right eye. Then he pulls the trigger and shoots himself in the head! Gruesome! This smiley face is a joke and not a how to guide. Never ever think about trying anything like this!

Emoticons like Smiley killing himself:

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User comments (17)

Brian said:05 May '18

Dear suicide Emoji,
I'm sorry that you are going through that, but there are somethings you can do:
1. If you go to a school with a HRO (human restore officer) talk to them about your situation; they can help.
2. Tell a friend or a school teacher.
3. Call someone who can help.
4. If you are thinking about suicide call 1-800-273-8255. Its free, anonymous, and the people there really want to help.

I hope it gets better.

Suiside Emoji said:25 Aug '17

P.S. I'm 12. But I won't really commit suicide, I say that to HER sometimes, but if I really did, which I won't, I bet THEN she'd think about it.

Suicidal Emoji said:25 Aug '17

Please help me, my Dad is a mean, disgusting brute, and he is very abusive to mainly ME. I'm making a list on my laptop of how many things HE'S done to me. And I'd rather commit suicide than live with him! I told my Mom who also is grossly mean a lot of the time, and she says, like she means it, "Good," She is nasty, she pushes me a bunch, and she hits my 7 - almost 8 year old - brother all of the time! And she ALWAYS takes my siblings side.

Headshot Emoji said:20 Jun '17

Headshot Suicide
Suicidal Emojis
All good

Pete said:18 Jul '16

I need to know how to get these emojis on my phone.

Anonymous said:06 Apr '16

Why waste ammo when you get splattered by a train? Best way to go.

Anonymous said:15 Jan '16

I would really like to have these emojis so I can place on Facebook for humor. I have always liked emojis. I think they're pretty neat. I also think lots of people like to use them. I like the way the they help us to add fun and humor to our posts.

Suiciding Emoji said:11 Nov '15

These animated emojis are very small and cute. How can I make them myself? I don't mean just he emoji killing himself, I would like to make a range of emojis which of course will include suicide emojis. Any instructions?

Anonymous said:30 Mar '14

How can i use these codes?

Sdpatches333 said:12 Sep '13

I just skyped a co-worker wanting this very thing! whoop whoop!

Anonymous said:25 Apr '13

Are these even available on skype?!

Anonymous said:05 Apr '13

how can i use this emoticons on my Skype???

Anonymous said:21 Mar '13

how it will be used in skype ?

pewpewpew said:15 Dec '12

how do i use these ???

Pinkamena said:28 Oct '12

Hmmmm I think i'll use these

Anonymous said:20 Apr '12

Yes! Please can you send me a web like that but for skype?

Anonymous said:26 Jan '12

needs more emoticons like these........

Details for smiley killing himself

Suggested shortcut: ;killme
Tags: suicide, violent, shooting self, handgun, weapon, depressed, shooting, headshot, blowing brains out, gun to head, shooting himself
Filename: smiley-killing-himself.gif

  • The Smiley killing himself emoticon is Animated
  • Smiley killing himself icon file size: 16.22 kB (16608)
  • Added on 13 June, 2011
  • Last commented on 05 May, 2018
  • Emoticon category: Violent Emoticons

'Smiley killing himself' is animated in 89 frames, the animation is 21.7 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 41 by 31 pixels and has 57 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

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Showing all 0 frames.

Codes for Smiley killing himself

To use the Smiley killing himself icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Gun Smileys emoticons like the smiley killing himself icon, visit the Gun Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The smiley killing himself icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.