Kissing Emoticon
A great animated emoticon for sending your special loved one a virtual kiss over Messenger or email! When distance is preventing you from showering your sweetheart with your deepest affections and emotions, don't worry, just send this cute kissing smiley through and that get the job partially done! Of course it's not the same thing as a real kiss, but this animated kissing emoticon is as good as it gets over IM and email, so go ahead and use it. What are you waiting for? Also don't forget to check out our other Kissing emoticons.
User comments (60)
Great Kissing Emojis
French kiss...I want to try that with my boyfriend!
Love it so much.
I wanna kiss my crush! He is so cute and hot and s#xy! I think I'll try the French kiss! I know I will!
OOH la la! There's a lucky man out there! Such as my big crush! I'm coming for ya darling! You're so Lucky!
so sexy! OOH la la! There's a lucky man out there! Such as my big crush! I'm comin for ya darling!
French kiss... so romantic! I wanna try it!
Kissing is bad thing to do!!
ahh ewwww.....o_O
i love blowing a kiss!
hello. I love this kissing monkey emoticon.
Vcs estao me xingando toda,falando ingles ae...
i can help you "sfo"...
i want to kiss...but my boyfriend is so boring:(
lovely... i like french kissing but i haven't done yet.
it 's the best feeling in my life.......... oh ! no what's this?
that emotion!! I've never seen this in my life!
french guys are thieves. i was in paris a year ago .. and they stole my iphone and my money
just so you's 2 girls kissing in the french kiss :)
wow i wanna do that to someone... oops... I already have!!
wow, a beautiful french kiss... i like it, yeah!
lol french kiss xxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
french kiss woop xxxx
i love french kiss!
Lol, I love the kissing under mistletoe, So Cute!!
That's so nice and sexy.
its very beautiful!!! all of these kiss graphics are awesome.
omg the french kiss... kinda sexy ;)
i want to kiss someone!!
Lol Yuck, The french kiss so does look like a man and man >.> Gross people lmao,I love the kissing under mistletoe, So Cute!
French Kiss is secxy ;D
it totally looks like two guys DX iieuw
I love French kiss, it is so hot
people u r gross lol
French Kissh Ij Sho0o Shvveett..
lol lol.. cool
hehehe.... sweet..... and cute....
GODD! get some new ones plz :@
disgusting to see 2 guys kissing, i prefer see 2 girls xD