Mr. Burns Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Cartoon Emoticons > Simpsons Emoticons > Mr. Burns

Mr. Burns Emoticon

Mr. Burns animated emoticon
3.72 (56 votes)

Mr. Burns (full name: Charles Montgomery Burns) is the very rich and powerful owner of the Nuclear Plant on the Simpsons. He often uses his power for evil, but that hasn't stopped him from being one of the most popular characters on the show. You can use this "Excellent" emoticon anywhere from MSN/Live chats to your emails and forum posts. You probably need a Smithers emoticon to go with it as well!

Emoticons like Mr. Burns:

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User comments (6)

Jonno the Fusspot said:11 Aug '12

Of course the only rating for Mr. Burns is EXCELLENT!!

Anonymous said:24 Jan '12


Your Friend said:19 Jun '11

Shut up! She's not Miley Cyrus! She is a BIG FAT FAKE! People really need to ******* and stop faking!

Anonymous said:16 Jun '11

are you really Miley Cyrus?

Ruby said:22 Jul '10

Love ya Miley Cyrus!!!!

miley cyrus said:26 Jun '10

ok i can't believe that i am the first 1 to wirte now this is the real miley cyrus :(:(:(:( and my msn address is well ur not gonna know ha ha ha ha

Details for mr. burns

Suggested shortcut: mrburns
Tags: Simpsons, Burns, Evil, Villain
Filename: mr-burns.gif

  • The Mr. Burns emoticon is Animated
  • Mr. Burns icon file size: 4.17 kB (4275)
  • Added on 26 December, 2009
  • Emoticon category: Cartoon Emoticons

'Mr. Burns' is animated in 2 frames, the animation is 0.02 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 50 by 50 pixels and has 251 colors.

Show frame details

Showing all 2 frames.

Codes for Mr. Burns

To use the Mr. Burns icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Animated emoticons from the Simpsons emoticons like the mr. burns icon, visit the Simpsons Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The mr. burns icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.