Rage comic emoticons
Rage faces emoticons are also used as a new form of online communication to express not only rage and frustrations but also a wide variety of other emotions and feelings along with a humorous touch. Rage emoticons and smiley face icons are attractive in spite the fact that they are not drawn professionally. They are easily identifiable. Using very simple drawing software such as MS paint, anyone can add a new character to the list which adds to the story-telling capabilities of these Internet memes emoticons and smiley face icons.
Viewing 61—85 of 85 smileys. < Back to meme emoticons
Recent Comments:
This evil emoji reminds me of evil trump! he is evil!!
in troll dad... on 01 Feb, 2025
Hahaha ah hahaha nah spoil funny!
in mr. rage on 01 Mar, 2022
me when i am trolled back a
in creepy troll... on 19 Feb, 2022
in troll dad... on 15 Apr, 2021
Who painted this pictures?
in freddie... on 22 Nov, 2020