Be My Valentine Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Be My Valentine Emoticon

Be My Valentine animated emoticon
3.88 (33 votes)

Here is a nice and elegant emoticon for asking someone to be your Valentine. It's got a bright red background with flashing white text that is sure to grab all of their attention. Just make sure you do everything else right so that they say yes! It works really well when sent on MSN and Live Messenger.

Emoticons like Be My Valentine:

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User comments (5)

Anonymous said:11 Feb '12

wow!!! nice emoticons!

merz said:08 Jan '10

This is a wonderful icon, I'm going to use it this coming Valentine's Day. Thank you to whoever made this emoticon, I'm glad to have found it. The other valentine things are also very romantic!

EJH Lover! said:08 Jan '10

Luvv Emm all Apart Fromm The Brb - Why Is that There Anyway?? And the Lol x ??
Luvv EJH x

Anonymous said:21 Oct '09

i definitly like em all,,,,but the headache,,

sexybond said:17 Oct '09

these a wiked i really like these there soo kool

Details for be my valentine

Suggested shortcut: ;bemine
Tags: Valentine, Mine, Love, Flash
Filename: be-mine.gif

  • The Be My Valentine emoticon is Animated
  • Be My Valentine icon file size: 901 Bytes (901)
  • Added on 31 January, 2009
  • Emoticon category: Love Emoticons and Smileys

'Be My Valentine' is animated in 2 frames, the animation is 0.4 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 50 by 19 pixels and has 107 colors.

Show frame details

Showing all 2 frames.

Codes for Be My Valentine

To use the Be My Valentine icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Valentine Smileys emoticons like the be my valentine icon, visit the Valentine Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

© 2003-2007 Sherv.NET - Windows Live Messenger and MSN Messenger ® Microsoft
The be my valentine icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.