Crying Emoticon
A very nice animated crying emoticon. This is one of the best crying sad smiley faces we have ever seen. This sobbing sad emoticon is trying hard to fight back the tears and it makes you wonder what made it so sad. This crying msn emoticon has been beautifully designed and animated to help you express those hard to explain sad emotions. We recommend you add this emoticon to MSN, it's one of the classics.
User comments (29)
I have seen many emoticons and emojis but none of them are holding back tears. Great job!
I'm so sad right now...
what is the code for facebook?
This is a very nice teared up smiley face. love it. but hate tearing up itself. Wishing everyone who visits this Crying smileys page out of their heartache or hurt lasting happiness. Hope all your tears be of joy only.
brilliant. nicely understated.
There should be more greetings like...good night!
you should get more hello kitty ones
Dude wtf ??? how can anyone s cry ee emoticons n actually -__-
this is how i feel when i miss all the hot male celebrities concerts
Poor little Thomas Putman... I WILL SMITE THEE! ;)
this made me cry so much im now in my bed still crying 3 hours after i first saw them, this is so depressing who would do such a thing to a poor little defenseless emoticon i feel for him/her and i know what he/she is going through because i just dropped my happy meal on the floor it was hard and i couldn't force myself to go back down to mcdonald because it was to hard and i was hysterically crying i couldn't help myself, i wish i could fight but im a very sensitive thanks for listening if you would like to help me please ring me.
No one shalll be sad. Or I will smite thee. ;)
this made me cry. twice.
i love god and i love god and god loves me.
so cute!!
It kinda makes you feel like crying with him. ahhhhh there are many things in life which is not worth your tears if you think about it. be strong and move on after you shed it all.
sobbing forever. I'll cry a river for you.
i wonder what they look like happy
how cute and nice... i wonder how it looks like when he is happy?
I Dont Like you Because The Gunsot.
i want a smiley too cool for me
nice smiley, i love it!!!!!
awesome i feel so sad now *sob sob*
So Cute!!!!!:P:P:P:P i just have to create them on msn
euh euh... i was looking for more emotions but hey thats what god can give us today ohh!! bless u all people, bless u all!!! mwahh
cuitiie AWWWWWWWWWWW dose anyone have msn and how lod are use and whats ur name everyone
used 15 mins to look for specific this one :)
awww, this one is very sweet :P