Goodbye tears Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Goodbye tears Emoticon

Goodbye tears emoticon
3.85 (97 votes)

We have got a tears graphic for you guys!! One other thing, could you quickly rate this crying icon and let others know if you liked it. We would appreciate it.

Emoticons like Goodbye tears:

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User comments (2)

Anonymous said:28 Feb '14

plzzzzzzzzz tell me now how I add all these smileys or use on fb hmm plzzzzzz i like these not the fb third class smileys!!

B said:20 Feb '14

This is so saddening!

Details for goodbye tears

Suggested shortcut: ;goodbye
Tags: goodbye, tears, crying, bye, waving, sad, upset, text
Filename: goodbye-tears-smiley-emoticon.jpg

  • The Goodbye tears emoticon is Static
  • Goodbye tears icon file size: 4.05 kB (4149)
  • Added on 11 October, 2012
  • Last commented on 28 February, 2014
  • Emoticon category: Mood emoticons

It's a JPG image measuring 135 by 100 pixels and is a true color icon (full colors).

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Codes for Goodbye tears

To use the Goodbye tears icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Sad and crying smileys emoticons like the goodbye tears icon, visit the Sad Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The goodbye tears icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.