Kiss Facebook Emoticon

Girl sending a kiss and a wink. Romantic and love related emoticons are very common in just about every chat service and Facebook is no exception. Many couples use Facebook as an easy way to keep in touch with each other, you can use this cute little smiley to send a virtual kiss over the Internet. This facebook chat emoticon uses an asterisk to represent the puckered lips. An additional keyboard shortcut is to add a nose: :-*. You may find it easiest to type this code by holding the left shift key and using your right hand to type the characters.
More Facebook emoticons:
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Details for kiss
Suggested shortcut: :*
Tags: Girl, Kiss, Lips, Kissing, Wink
Filename: kiss.png
- The Kiss emoticon is Static
- Kiss icon file size: 710 Bytes (710)
Its a PNG image measuring 16 by 16 pixels and is a true color icon (full colors), it also supports a transparent background.
Codes for Kiss
To use the Kiss icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:
User comments (100)
Had the kissing emoji on my FB page to the right of "leave a comment" space and lost it when I was trying to copy and paste. It used to open all the smiley faces, heart and like symbols. I would really like it back. Can't put anything after I make a comment. Please someone help!
How to make in love smiley face?
Kiss emojis plz
Nice. Used it for an article on my blog. Thanks.
How to make a blow a kiss (air kiss) emoji?
How to make "in love" emoji for facebook chat?
:* Facebook kiss emoji works for me. It's fine.
:* //
:-* ....
This is a really good website for getting my emojis and display pics and emoticons, etc. Thanks!
I am looking for an amazing kisser emoticon. Anyone?
:* good to kiss
:-* thanks! it works haha
It's an easy symbols shortcut for the facebook kiss emoji.
Love this kissey emoji for facebook!
:-* thank u for this... nice kiss emoji for facebook.
Kiss me on facebook...
I want to use these stickers in Facebook chat. How can I download them?
Thanks for the kiss emoji :-*
It works perfectly on Facebook for me.
Sweet and lovely emojis on FB chat
Love the facebook kissing emojis...
I love u emojis
I wanted the kiss smiley and emojis except :*
Well I don't know but I love this emoji.
More Muah emojis Please!!
Love Muawh emojis :*
Kissing with emojis on facebook
:-s a weird kiss emoji
It doesn't work, I tried it 15 times!
Miss you Motti! Love u! :-*
Thanks so much :-*
Love ya Shayan!
:-* Loving kisses
Lots of Love
I think this is for a kiss face.
Thanks for the help!
:-* thanks for the kiss
Let's try this :-)*
Will this work? :-*
lol I love to do emotions in fb thanks for :-*
Is this a kiss?
So Kiss me Kiss me;)
Thanks for the :-*
I can send it to a girl I like!
Anonymous thanks for the symbols ...hehehe... Now I have kissing symbol so I give you my kiss :-*
:-* A kiss from me to you my love!
:-* thank you for the kiss honey!
It's cool to be the one!
:* :* :*
It's easy for the kiss but how can put a gun symbol?
:-* see ya thanks for the help
:* Love it guys
:* ha ha ha
:* :*
thank you :* I am happier now that I know how to baffle the others :)
:* hit me up boys. a girl right here ;)
ha ha ha ha
The ability to kiss and the pleasure we get from kissing our loved ones are among the most amazing gifts God has given us. A survival instinct u may say.
:$ what is that? please answer.
:-* :*
here is one for u :-*
why it is called Girl sending kiss?
what about the boys...;p
:* a kiss for team! LOL
testing mmmmmm :-*
I want to know how it works;) someone should kiss me!
Love u loads baby!
It works perfectly on facebook.
It's actually good.
awesome, really very nice.
That was awesome. Super. I love u!
How can I put a kiss symbol in my profile?
;* Let's see if this winking kiss emoji works on Facebook.
Does anyone know if there is a shortcut list so I can just type it in and get the facebook emojis similar to this kiss and wink?
:-* For you all!
I need hot kiss, hug and naked symbols for use on facebook.
Is there a drooling kiss emoji on fb? LOL
Roses and kisses
:* Boos Boos emoji!
I also want to get a new lip kiss symbol.
I want have a kiss emotion symbol for my fb. Where can I get if from?
How do you make a kissing icon on facebook?
Can we make a kiss icon on facebook?
How do u do a blow fly kiss emoji emoticon?
(kiss) (kiss) (kiss)
I want new smileys on facebook.
:-* want to see what this looks like
How do you do a kiss?
i had a comment with a smiley that was a wink with kiss lips and a small heart in the corner of the face. How do you do that?
:* Hope it works out for you.
♥ Hope it works out for you.
[] (kiss) hope it works
(Hand Clap) hope it works