Robot Facebook Emoticon

4 (109 votes)
Shortcut code: :|]
Robot face. This is one of the newer emoticons to be added to Facebook chat, a robot head. It has two red eyes and antennae on his head. We're not really sure how a robot icon could come in handy while chatting to someone, but feel free to use the comment form below to tell us how you might use it. This grey robot shows very little emotion for someone who is an emoticon! It has just the one unique chat shortcut to type it in.
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Details for robot
Suggested shortcut: :|]
Tags: Robot
Filename: robot.gif
- The Robot emoticon is Static
- Robot icon file size: 95 Bytes (95)
Its a GIF image measuring 16 by 16 pixels and has 4 colors, it also supports a transparent background.
Codes for Robot
To use the Robot icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:
User comments (100)
Let's see if you can interfere in the next election too! Now people of America are aware of your sneaky ways you Russian bots(butts)!
I am a Russian Robot and I interfered in your election!
Loving new emojis for Facebook like the robot emoji. I always wanted to have my own robot. Maybe soon.
:|] robot does not compute.
Hi everyone! I'm the Facebook Robot and I'm going to get all your jobs soon!! and you can kiss my shiny bu%#!!!
Working for me.
Robots will soon take up all our jobs! We will be dependent on our universal income! Be ready! Save money for your future! Don't spend your hard-earned cash on concerts! Singers are making loads of money. Think about it. Take it serious. Robots invasion!
I like it ☺☺
bot by chota nawabzada
bot by chota nawabzada
bot powerd by junaid khan
I want to have a robot to do my dishes for me!
It is so cool : | ]
robots are cool
I got a yellow robot instead of this.
I got a yellow robot emojis instead of it.
Sorry I'm just pranking you!
I'm a robot. Do you want a robot friend!? No won't wash your dishes!
How do I get Robot emoji on my fb?
:P yr bot comments!
Quite interesting
Folk I need your help for real!
Anybody help me? I want to use robot emoji for comment on fb status. Plz tell me, text me on my fb.
♥♡♥♡ Love it
And I'm more of an Asian man's wife kind of robot!
What do you do Sharon which is so boring?
I am just off to do another eight hours of the most boring job in the world. :|]
:l] is this robot made for me?
I like them.
How do you do a laughing Asian man?
: l ]
cool omg!
:X] (Adding more text because I have to)
: l ] or :l] Lol I think it works.
(^^^) love this emoji right here!!
hi. I'm the Best ADC!
Are you ok?
:(|) makes a monkey on fb
:pooh: makes a pooh pile on fb
:|] Robot emojis are cool!
:|] Great robot emoji!
The line is on my keyboard's backslash key, whilst pressing shift.
Woodchucks can't chuck wood. So zero!
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
Nice. Very nice.
| = the one next to z while pressing shift
:putnam: just trying..
: | ] : putnam : .........nothing happen?
my keyboard doesnt have it either
for robot what is in the middle?
: l ] just wanna see if it works
:|] i would use it like this and show a friend.
:|] .
My keyboard has no line!
its the one next to z while pressing shift :|]
love Putnam and the shark.
i love putnam omg very coooooooooool
:poop: makes a piece of poop...
the symbol above the forward slash... I don't know why they deleted the symbol.
It's not the letter l. It's the symbol above the on my computer. It does work if you use the right one. But remember they're only for chat, or use in the comments. Not the original post.
:poop: makes a lump of poop lol :) Only works in reply :)
:l] it works.....?????
shift + =| lol took me forever to learn
robot = :| ] minus the space. Hope it helps! :)
Remember it only works in chat!!
how do you do robot?
It doesn't work. Even when I copy and robot
: | ] why am I not seeing any robots?
:|] thank u for the help
The line symbol is in the left side of letter z so to make a line press shift and then click the symbol at the left side of letter z then it is a line, note:the letter l is not a line.
The line character is above the enter button and bellow the backspace button. You also have to press shift.
._. is adorable, it's like an innocent face.
:|] Lovin the robot !!!! :|]
THANK YOU, hahahhahaha :) appreciated
:|] Very nice robot emoji
this is the robot :|] and putnam -> :putnam:
HOW DO YOU DO THE LINE!!!???!?!?!?
How do u do the line? Xx
how do you do the robot?
is this how you do the robot :|] ?
i found this awesome...well today i use it to woke up my partner and said knock knock and put the robot emoticon :|] as like the robot has come to woke him up:)
I love the little robot head :D I think they're trendy because I'm thinking about getting a Robot Head Necklace from Rue 21 :D
copy and paste it thats hoe=w i got it to work
robot smiley is not working
my robot doesnt wrk! plz help
try this ctrl + w says awesome
they dont have a robot
the button right above the "enter" or return on the far right
the robot can be used when you're neutral or when something or someone is fake...
hi facebook lover... what's your true name? i think you're cute
the button right above the "enter" or return on the far right
the line on the keyboard: hold shift and press
Luv it... hehehehe!!
I Love it! Thanks!!
where's the line on the keyboard?
@ameliaa lovess bradd: u can get it at microsoft word
: | ] that is it! lol i like all these facebook emotions. haven't seen half of them before ha ha ha!!!
is that a robot? a facebook robot smiley or emoticon?